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K enya Bankers Sacco, one of Kenya’s leading Savings and Credit Cooperative Society, recognized the need to effectively utilize its vast data resources to gain real-time insights, enhance all aspects of their operations, offer customer centric-solutions, and effectively make data driven decisions.

To fulfill this objective of harnessing the power of data, the Sacco partnered with Pathways Technologies to implement a tailor-made Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solution that has since reshaped their operational capabilities and strategic decision-making processes.


Kenya Bankers Sacco faced the challenge of effectively analyzing and utilizing its vast data sources across numerous datasets and departments. The Sacco required an efficient method to identify appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), deliver real-time actionable insights, and enhance operational proficiency. To achieve its goals and propel its success, Kenya Bankers Sacco sought a comprehensive solution that would not only streamline operations and enhance business efficiency but also cater to customer needs through personalized product offerings and data-informed strategic decision-making—fostering growth and success.
September 18, 2019
Data Analytics
Kenya Bankers Sacco

Solution Implemented

Pathways Technologies tackled the challenge by successfully implementing an end-to-end Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solution tailored to the specific needs of Kenya Bankers Sacco.

Engaging closely with the Sacco team, Pathways took an in-depth approach to understanding their unique business requirements which guided the design, development, and execution of the solution.

Through this collaborative approach, Pathways developed a comprehensive Business Intelligence solution using Tableau. The custom-built solution involved in-depth analyses of Sacco’s requirements, design, development, and implementation.

Key elements of the solution included data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) for optimized data structuring, and custom interactive analytics dashboards and reports. This robust solution provided a succinct and clear window into the organization’s data, generating actionable insights critical to both daily operations and strategic decisions, including those discussed during monthly board meetings, illustrating the value and significance of the implemented solution.

Benefits of the Solution

The Business Intelligence solution revolutionized Kenya Bankers Sacco’s operational processes and strategic decisions. Key benefits observed from the implementation of this solution include:

  1. Actionable & Real-Time Insights: The solution empowered the Sacco with timely, data-driven insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and respond to market trends.
  2. Operational efficiency: Streamlined data handling processes led to increased efficiency across various departments within Kenya Bankers Sacco.
  3. Customer-centric approach: The new data analytics capabilities facilitated the development of personalized products and services to cater to individual customer needs.
  4. Effective Governance: Propelled monthly board meetings with data-driven evaluation of the organization’s performance.
  5. Data-Driven Decision-making: Comprehensive visual reports provided the Sacco’s management and staff with a clear understanding of their organization’s position and trajectory, allowing them to make strategic decisions based on robust data.
  6. Growth and success: The solution bolstered Sacco’s competitive edge in the market, driving growth and promoting their continued success within the industry.


Today, Kenya Bankers Sacco recognizes and appreciates the immense value of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics. The customized BI solution has unquestionably streamlined operations, highlighting the immense value in that every decision made within the Sacco is now backed by data, driving continual growth and success. The reports provide them with actionable analytics, data-driven insights in real-time, and have significantly streamlined operations and decision-making processes.

The outcome of this project demonstrates the transformational power of effective Business Intelligence and Data Analytics solutions.

Pathways is proud of the solution developed whilst working with KBS Sacco, providing well constructed, insightful analytics reports using Tableau. Our team developed an in-depth understanding of the challenges and trends affecting financial institutions, particularly within the Sacco space. We are enthusiast to be pioneering analytics companies bringing BI & Analytics capabilities to the Sacco industry.